Browse to and download the latest Xubuntu release.
- During install create default account named tech
-From XFCE Whisker Menu, open Settings Manager
- Click on Users and Groups
- Click the +Add Button, create a Standard User account called student. Enable Not asked on login under password.
- From the tech account, install any needed software packages.
- Log into Student account.
- Configure Panel by right clicking on it > Panel > Panel Preferences. You can also remove secondary mini panel by selecting panel in Drop Down and pressing the - button.
- Open Session and Startup from Whisker Menu > Uncheck all boxes under General Tab.
- Log into tech Account.
- Open Network Connections from Whisker Menu
- Click Add Button
- Select Wi-Fi and click Create
- Enter Name for Wireless Connection (Student Wifi)
- Enter SSID you wish to connect to in SSID field
- Under Wifi Security Tab, change Security Type to WPA & WPA Personal
- Enter wireless key in Password field.
- Click on General tab and check the top two boxes allowing all users on this device to automatically connect to this wifi connection.
- Click Save. Try rebooting to ensure device automatically connects.
- Log in as Student, Press Alt+F2, enter menulibre and press enter.
- Toggle Hide in menus option for any programs you wish to be hidden (EX: Any settings altering programs)
Once Panel has been configured as mentioned in Step 4, panel can be locked down using XFCE XML locks.
- While logged in under tech account, open a terminal and type:
sudo mv /home/student/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-panel.xml /etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/
sudo nano /etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-panel.xml
- Change 2nd line to look like below:
**If you ever need to unlock the student panel again, then make the following edit to this line of code when signed in to the tech profile:
- Log out and log in as student. Ensure student is no longer able to access panel settings.
- Log in to Student Account.
- Open Desktop from Whisker Menu. Click on Menus tab and UNCHECK boxes under Desktop Menu and Window List.
- Under Icons tab, click Icon Type Drop down and choose None.
LOCKING DOWN WALLPAPER- Copy your wallpaper you wish to use to /usr/share/corvos:
sudo cp [INSERT WALLPAPER NAME HERE] /usr/share/corvos
- Log in as Student > Open File Manager > Browse to /usr/share/corvos, right click on the wallpaper you copied and select Set As Wallpaper.
- Log out and log in as Tech. Open a Terminal and run:
sudo mv /home/student/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-desktop.xml /etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-desktop.xml
Log out and log back in as Student. Ensure wallpaper is properly set.
- Create corvos directory by running the following in a terminal:
sudo mkdir /usr/share/corvos
cd /usr/share/corvos
**Only do the following if you have completed Step 5**
- Backup your newly modified Whisker Menu by opening a terminal and running:
sudo cp /home/student/.config/xfce4/panel/whiskermenu-1.rc /usr/share/corvos/
- Create the script by opening a terminal and running:
sudo mousepad /usr/share/corvos/
- Copy/Paste the following text, then Save:
**Add/Remove any additional directories that need to cleared on student login.**
- Make the profile clean script executable by opening a terminal and running:
sudo chmod +x /usr/share/corvos/
- Log into Student account.
- Open Session and Startup from Whisker Menu.
- Click Application Autostart tab
- Click +Add button.
- Enter Name and Description (EX: Student Profile Cleaner)
- Browse to the program in /usr/share/corvos/
- Click OK